Supriya get dizzy and falls off into unconscious state, they rush and attend to her. Sagar is enraged thinking that this is the reason Pulkit didn't want to go to London. He hastily leaves. Madhavi composes Supriya, thoroughly shaken up. As Supriya is distraught in her room, unable to believe what he did, Madhavi try to calm her down. Zoya says that she herself can't believe, adding fuel to the fire, as to how could Pulkit do this to the sweet wife as she has nothing wrong in her, that he left her and went to Kashish, and she didn't know, Kashish would have been a home breaker, and it's good that Raahat isn't here to witness this, as she would have regretted what Kashish did today, after the way she supported her. Madhavi ask her to shut up, as Supriya is already tensed. Zoya apologise, but says that she can't see Supriya in pain, and is tormented herself, and asks her to stop crying. she tells them that sagar has taken the right decision, as supriya and pulkit ...