Prithvi comes back saying that they have open the gates of hell after rejecting him and it would have consequences that they could not comprehend as he hates them all and will surely take revenge from them. He push them all and goes into the room of Preeta, Janki hit him from behind, Prithvi comes to hurt her but falls when Shrishti hits him with her feet, Sarla says that they are not lying as Preeta is not in their house as she is in the Luthra's house, he after realizing that they are telling the truth is thrown out when Sarla says that she will otherwise call the police, he exclaims that if Preeta had not married Karan they all would have respected him however it is not a matter of concern as he knows how to make everyone kneel before him and will make sure that it happens. Shrishti inquires if Janki is alright then also goes to Sarla asking if her hand is alright.
Sherlin ask if they all think that Preeta is true but Karan respond that those who say that she is true has lost his or her mind, Kritika exclaims that she knew what Preeta was trying to do when she saw her with the people of NGO, Dadi says that she is someone who only desires money as why did she not say anything when Karina was trying to throw her out of the house, she said that she would listen to what Rakhi said yet still she is trying to enter their house, Karan leave, Rishab try to go after him, Sherlin ask him where he is going he says that she must not ask him as he will tell her when it is something important.
Sherlin sees Prithvi outside the house and leave the hall to go after him, Mahira turns to Dadi mentioning that both Karan and Rishab are the member of her family so nothing will happen to them but what will become of her, Dadi assure her that nothing wrong will happen as no one will accept Preeta because she is still in the house while Preeta is outside.
Rishab run to Karan mentioning that he must stop this as if the police arrive they would take the side of Preeta, Karan exclaims that the inspector is his fan so there is no need to worry, Sameer ask Rishab if this means that Preeta would not get justice, Rishab says that she would surely get justice however he is trying to convince each and everyone.
Gaitari assures Preeta that the police will take their side, they hint to another case where the girl was wrong as she only desired wealth, but this is not the case with Preeta and they would surely win the case.
Sherlin is walking in the hall way, she check out the window wondering that she thought that it is Prithvi however when she turn she is shocked to find that Prithvi is standing behind her, she ask him what he is doing in the house, he mention that he came to fulfil what she was not been able to as she told him that Preeta was thrown out of the house but she is still present in the house, She ask her questions which makes Sherlin suspicious and she ask him who throw him out, he respond that no one has the power to do this to him, he hug her asking that she should never leave him with his plan as she is all that he has got. He hug her, when Sherlin ask what happened to him, he mention that he will ruin the Auroras and make them realize that he was the person who wanted to accept their daughter and whom they rejected which he cannot bear, Sherlin is tensed when they hear the police coming which makes him nervous and he ask her why they have come, she mention that they have come for Preeta as no one want that she come into their house so Karan has called the police on her.
The police enter the house, the inspector says that Karan has called them here, Karan enter the hall and the inspector is not able to take her eyes off him as she is a big fan of him, she also take a selfie with him before being serious as she ask the reason, Mahira jump in exclaiming that Preeta is claiming to be the wife of Karan but it is not the case as even the family members are not accepting Preeta, then Gaitri mention that he himself accepted that he married Preeta. Karan stop them mentioning that he has called the police to tell them what kind of girl Preeta actually is, he mentions that Preeta tried to kill his father and also tried to make sure that he did not get out of coma and she even tried to kidnap Rishab so she should be arrested for the both of these crimes, Preeta exclaims that both the crimes that have happened are true but it is not the case as she has no relation to it, she says that he always blame her for everything that is wrong with his family, she mentions that he married her with all the rituals while being in disguise, Karan says that she should forget that wedding as no one from his family was there, Preeta explain that her mother was present there and she even gave them her blessings, he is still adamant to refuse the wedding. Preeta stop him saying that they both have been married twice and once she did not know who the groom was and this time, he was the one who did not know she was the bride. Preeta explain that this time his family tried to object to the wedding, but they all know that once the wedding happens no one can change it. Sherlin refuse to accept that she has been married and try to make an excuse by saying that there was only a party in their house, Preeta ask her then why did they setup a Mandap, all of them try to refute her but she stop Mahira by saying that her sister was also present and she made a video of both their weddings which they are trying to refuse so she has been married to him, the inspector after seeing the video inform him that he has been married to her twice and so he cannot throw Preeta out of the house for which she can arrest his entire family, all of them are shock and say that she cannot do this but the inspector mention that according to all the articles she has been married to Karan and so they cannot do anything against her. The inspector ask Karan to show her the proof that Preeta was the one behind each and everything wrong that has happened to his family, she ask him what proof does he have that Preeta got his brother kidnapped, Rishab jump in mentioning that she was not behind his kidnapping as he know that she is not capable of doing something so heinous, he explains that Karan is saying this as he love him but this doesnot mean that it is the truth, Karan pull him aside asking what he is doing, he explain that Karan should be the one to remove the misconception from his eyes as what he is doing is wrong. Rishab inquires why Karan is blaming Preeta without any proof and it is the case with their entire family, Karan exclaim that he is feeling bad because ever since Preeta has come into his life since their first meeting she pretended to be nice in front of him however he refused to accept her lies as he knows how to distinguish between what is right and wrong, he start doubting Rishab, Preeta also says that he cannot even trust Rishab so how can he trust her. Karan pull her aside ordering that she should not talk in between as he was talking to his brother, Preeta explain that they both were talking about her, so she has every right to talk. She mention that she tried to explain what she tried to do however he refuse to accept that she is right and she could not convince him, she mentions that the entire period of their friendship was lost in trying to explain to him that she was right and so she has decided to do what she feel like and not beg in front of him anymore, the inspector ask that they talk in front of them, Karan goes to the inspector saying that he has no right and refuses to accept Preeta as his wife, Preeta mention that he has taken vows at the time of their marriage so he should accept his responsibilities as she need him to stand by her side for the sake of the betterment of the family, Karan exclaim that she would never get the satisfaction of the doubt. Karina, Dadi and Sherlin all mention that Karan is right for refusing to give Preeta the satisfaction, Gaitra stop Sherlin mentioning that she should not say anything like this and if they do not stop torturing Preeta then they would have to spend the rest of their lives in jail as when they would break the news in the media they would take the side of Preeta and it would cause a lot of problem for Karan Luthra and his family. They all start blaming Preeta, but she mentions that she has given Karan one whole year to decide but he was not able to, so she was forced to take the support of the law and take back the right which she deserves. She mentions that he left her stranded on the road in the middle of the night the first time they were married and now once again he is trying to do the same however she will not let him as she has not got any spare time. Karan exclaim that he knows what kind of a person she is and after some time she will demand alimony from him as this is her nature, Preeta exclaims that she has informed him even before that she never sent any notice. He says that he love his family alot and for the sake of removing the mask that Preeta is wearing he is going to accept Preeta as his wife, everyone is shock to hear the confession, he exclaims that she is now the wife of Karan Luthra, everyone is amazed with the decision, Rishab smile as he never wanted him to marry Mahira. Preeta thank god that he has finally accepted the truth, Karan mentions that she has gotten what she wanted but now will see what happens when the truth unfold, The inspector says that she will leave but would come back from time to time in order to check with Preeta so that she is able to see that nothing wrong happen to her, Sameer get a call from Shrishti.
Mahira leave for her room, Sherlin also follow her, Mahira is not able to control herself saying that she is the one who is to marry Karan, Sherlin also comes in trying to calm her down but Mahira says that she was challenged by Preeta and still they were not able to stop her, Sherlin still try to calm her down, Mahira mentions that she was not able to stop Preeta who has been able to come into the Luthra house even when they all have refused to accept her as their daughter in law. Sherlin explain to Mahira that she has not lost the fight and should atleast fight with them as they cannot let Preeta get into the room of Karan as otherwise they would not be able to stop anything from happening.
Sameer is really happy that Preeta has come back saying that she is changing and it might be for good, he hear that Dadi and Kritika are coming and Dadi exclaims that she was wrong and this kind of a situation causes tension, he ask what has happened, She says that Preeta has entered into the house and even when she tried to blackmail Rakhi it did not work so she took the help of the people from NGO to come into their house, he try to explain that Preeta is not right in this case and even Kritika is not with Preeta saying that she is wrong this time. He sit with Dadi when she mentions that she is feeling pain in her feet, he request that he call Preeta however she refuse mentioning that she cannot bear that they both are together.
Shrishti is with Janki and Sarla, she ask Janki if she will be her best friend as she no longer has her sister so she need someone else and if she refuse then she will present the same thing to Dadi, Janki exclaim that she is her best friend and her relation with Sarla is really different as she is like a coconut who is stubborn and hard from the outside but is really soft hearted, Sarla call Shrishti ordering that she call and ask if Preeta has settled in the Luthra Mansion, Shrishti says that she will call them however Sarla explain that she want that Shrishti call Sameer, she try calling him however he doesnot answer the call as he fears what Dadi will say.
Shrishti says to Sarla that he is not answering the call, she again try to call him.
Preeta ask Gaitri what she should do next, Gaitri mentions that she would not stay as the wife of Karan Luthra because he has accepted her as his wife and the inspector has also assured her that nothing wrong will happen to her.
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Thank so much and thank gGo for preeta at last she has gotten what she wants