Kashan and Zeenat Deceived Ayesha, while Kabir angry with Alina.
Zeenat says to Kashan that why did you put your life in danger for your family? Kashan says I feel guilt, they are my people. Ayesha comes there. Kashan says I am ashamed. Ayesha hugs him and says I am happy you realized your mistake, Kashan says I was on
wrong path, I am really sorry. Ayesha sees him in pain and gives him haldi milk. She prays for him and asks him to take rest. She smiles and leaves. Kashan smirks. zeenat says this was acting? wow. Kashan says we have to do it, I cheated Salamat a little to win family’s trust.
Zara ask Alina not to work in the kitchen, she ask her to go and study. Alina says don't worry, also I didn't call Amir here. Alina get Amir’s message. Zara says I don't have any right on your personal life but as your elder I want to ask if Amir messaged you? She nod and show her his message.
Family sits down for lunch. Amir is there too. Zara puts lunch on the floor and says to Kabir that we will all eat on the floor. Kabir says parents can eat on dining table. Shahbaz says it's no issue. Ayesha make plate for Kashan. Kabir says there is no need, they are bearing punishment. Zara says wait for sometime. Ayesha says he is ill. Kabir says we can't trust them so easily, people are not what they show, he saved Irfan but it doesn't mean he changed. Zeenat hear all that. Shahbaz says he is right. Ayesha sigh and put plate back.
Kabir come to office. A man comes to him and says I want to ask something. We found a nice guy for my daughter but she liked someone else, that person is nice too, but my wife says that love marriage doesn't work.
Zara says to Alina that I see that you like Amir, you will get sucked in all this, Alina says we are friends only. Zara says focus on your studies for now. It's your life and you will take decision.
Kabir says to man that you have experience in life, people can fall in love after marriage, kids these days use mobile and choose wrong person. Parents have right to choose partner for their kids.
Kabir come home. He says to Zara that people are blinded by technology these days, kids are away from people because of mobile. Zara says we can't blame technology, time have changed. Kabir says no, we did arrange marriage and it is working fine. A man asked me if love marriage should happen but arranged marriages have been working for ages, these love marriages are useless and temporary, Quran want us to follow traditions, you tell me God’s way is right or world’s? Zara looks on.
Ayesha bring Kashan and Zeenat. Kabir says what are you doing? Ayesha says I am doing what our Prophet would do, he forgave people who repented from their mistakes, Kashan is in pain, he wants to rejoin his family so whats bad about it? Kabir look on. Amaan says we will eat here. Kashan thank Ayesha and says I am sorry, I will be your good son now. Zeenat sit on dining table and says we made a mistake, God forgive me. Ayesha says God will listen to you.
Samir says to Salamat that I will kill Irfan. Salamat stop him and says wait. Zeenat says wait for the right time, we will trap Kabir and Irfan.
Amir call Alina and cough. She ask if he is fine? he nod. She says make some soup and eat it. He says make for me. Alina says I can't, you go to doctor and take medicine, she ends call.
At night, alina is cooking for Amir and is scared. Zeenat hide and sees her, she think what is going on? Alina message Amir that she is coming. She take basket and leave. Zeenat look on.
In the morning, Kabir call guard and askshim to keep an eye on Alina. He come to Zara and says don't go to drop Alina. Zara says you keep changing your decisions. Kabir pull her closer and says you fight with me so much. Zara says I just fight for what is right, I love you so much.
Alina is leaving the house with basket. Zeenat follow her scooty.
Kabir get security’s call. He says your sister reached college, we are waiting outside. Zara ask him who is calling? Kabir look on.
Amir meet Alina in college, she give him food. Zeenat hide and look on.
Kabir tell Zara that he arranged security for all family members. Zara says what? He says yes.
Amir says to Alina that take me to your family doctor. She says no. He says why? are you scared? take me there. Alina says okay come with me. Zeenat hear all that.
Ayesha get Zeenat’s call. She says I am at our doctor’s clinic, come here and you can get checked up too, ask Kabir to drop you. Ayesha end call and ask Kabir to drop her at doctor. Zara say I will come with you both to meet Irfan too. All three leave the house.
Alina and Amir arrive at the clinic on her bike. Zeenat think that bomb will blast today. Alina meet doctor, Alina introduce Amir as Kabir’s friend. Doctor check him.
Ayesha, Kabir and Zara arrive at the clinic. Zeenat meet them. They come inside. Kabir come in and sees Alina. Alina is stunned to see him. He ask what she is doing there? Amir is lying on the bed. He gets up. Kabir glare at him. Amir smiles. Zara stops him from saying anything. She leave with him. Alina goes with them. Alina says I am sorry, he was ill. Amir try to talk to Kabir but he glare at him.
Doctor check Ayesha. Zeenat show her food bowls and says Alina brought these. Ayesha says she made food for Amir?
Amir says to Kabir that I asked Alina to bring me food and to doctor. Kabir drive away.
Zeenat says to Ayesha that Alina is right, they are married, I am sorry. Ayesha cry.
Alina says to Kabir that I didn't do anything wrong. Kabir shout at her not to say a word. Zara look on.
Zeenat call Kashan, Kashan says our game will change, I have fooled Ayesha and now she is tensed.
Kabir and Zara comes home. Zara says you can talk calmly to Alina. Kabir says you think I am wrong. Kabir leave.
Amir call alina. Kabir come to her room and pick the phone. He hang up and throw the phone away. Kabir says I want to talk to you. Sit down. Kabir says I won't let him do all this. You haven’t done anything wrong. He is trying to use you. don’t let him win that game. I won't let him do that to you. Come with me. Kabir take Alina out. Zeenat smirk.
Kabir show newspaper to Alina and says read. He says a girl was called at his home. She fainted and then he.. He used social media to ruin lives. And the he is after my sister. He says tell me if there is somethin. Alina says bhai.. Kabir says don't be scared of anything. Ayesha comes and says my daughter took food to a stranger? She misused our freedom. You won't step out of this house. Zara says but her exams are going on. Kabir says we can’t detain her. He says I trust my sister completely. He gives her water and says promise me my sister won't break our trust. Alina says never. Kabir says to Ayesha don't worry.
Ayesha pray for Alina. Zeenat and Kashan come to Ayesha. Zeenat says we have a solution for this problem. Ayesha says what is the solution.
Kabir think about Alina. He is worried.
Zeenat says to Kashan Alina’s life would be ruined or Zara would have to stop this.
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